从我国目前的情况来看,还没有完全达到这些基本条件的要求。有学者认为,我国政府面临的问题虽然使政府允许并希望非营利组织参与社会事务的管理,但它同时又不愿意见到非营利组织这种参与削弱其管理社会的权力。[3] 在缺乏政府的支持下,企图从下到上进行这种合作中竞争关系的改革困难重重。当然,困难的存在并不排斥希望出现的可能性。乐观的看,我国社会、经济以及政治的发展是朝着符合这种关系的基础条件发展的:市场经济体制经过十多年的发展正在逐渐完善,政府也逐渐承认市场的作用;另一方面,执政党也逐步认识到政治配套改革的重要性,提出了建设政治文明的问题。建立非营利组织与政府之间的新型关系,不仅符合世界发展潮流,也符合我国的发展趋势。
[7][美]朱莉·费希尔:《NGO与第三世界的政治发展》 [M],北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2002年。
[8]邓国胜:《非营利组织评估》[M],北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2001年。
[10][美] Anthony Downs,Inside Bureaucracy, A Rand Corporation Research Study. [M] Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1967.
[13]王绍光:《多元与统一 ——第三部门国际比较研究》[M],杭州:浙江人民出版社,1999年。
[14] 萨拉蒙等:《全球公民社会——非营利部门视界》[M],北京:社会科学文献出版社,2002年
Competition in the cooperation :The new relationship between the NPO and government in China
Biography: GUO Xiao-cong(1957-), male, Ph.D., Professor, The Center for Research of PA, School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University, majoring in the theory of government institutional evolvement, comparing to the institution of public administration, and the economics of government.
[Abstract] The cooperation of Non-profit organization (NPO) and government has been a focus among scholars. However, because of the lack of resistance relationship, the status of NOP in the cooperation is scarce of independence, thus makes it impossible to establish a true cooperation relationship among them. Adding competing factor into the cooperation will help to establish a new competing relationship between government and NPO. And it will be helpful to solve the current problem between the government and NPO in China.
[key words] Non-profit organization(NPO), cooperation relationship competition relationship,resistance relationship
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