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Internal Control and Risk Management
ZHOU Zhao-sheng
(China Huarong Assets Management Corporation, Beijing 100045,China)
Abstract: Based on the introduction to COSO's reports Internal Control - Integrated Framework and Enterprise Risk Management Framework, this paper compares the similarity and distinction of internal control with risk management. The author believes internal control will evolve to risk management.
Key Words: COSO; risk management; internal control
(1)是指加拿大特许会计师协会(The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants,CICA)成立的控制标准委员会(Criteria of ControlBoard,COCO),该委员会于1995年出版了《控制指南》(Guidance on Control)。
(2)Turnbull Report,1999,是指英格兰和威尔士特许会计师协会(ICAEW)受伦敦证券交易所之托提交的《内部控制:综合准则董事指南》(Internal Control-Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code)。
(3)参见Criteria of Control(COCO)Board of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants(1999),“Guidance for Directors-Dealing withRisk in the Boardroom”,COCO,Toronto,第1页。
(4)Basle Committee(1998),第2页。
(5)根据The Financial Services Authority(FSA)(UK),1998:The Combined Code-Principles of Good Governance and Code of Best Practice(The Combined Code)。
(6)参见Criteria of Control(COCO)Board of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants(1999),“Guidance for Directors-Dealing withRisk in the Boardroom”,COCO,Toronto,第9页。