This process of linking faculty needs to sophisticated designs at the micro level can proceed on a step-by-step basis through an entire course. Such an approach can help ensure that distributed learning means more than merely absorbing content. Panels, discussions, debates, role playing simulations -- these and many other learning activities can be used to breathe life into online courses.
Quality Instruction on a Global Scale
Attractive a model as it may be, Plato's idyllic academy model could never serve a significant number of the residents of planet earth. Internet-based collaborative tools, used in conjunction with content delivery vehicles such as Courselets, may preserve the dialogue and the teacher-student relationship, while making the experience available to more people than Socrates spoke with in his life.
Critics will point out that this sort of engaging, involving instruction is not the norm at this time by any means. As is generally the case with a new medium, we are looking first at its predecessors and attempting to copy the old onto the new. In specific, this means shoveling lecture notes onto HTML pages as rapidly as possible and pretending that these boring page-turners are the real thing.
Courselets are the logical extension of this approach. They may go beyond mere text on a page, but they are most frequently not interactive and they miss the social dimension of learning entirely. However, we should not extrapolate from this early phase and assume that the online learning future has to be devoid of everything that makes instruction meaningful.
We need to stop looking at the past for our models. What we used to call a course within the confines of a classroom may not be what courses will look like at all in the distributed learning environments of the not-too-distant future. There will be an important role for Courselets in the new online formats we develop -- in fact they might lead the way to online Academies that Socrates would be proud to teach in, Academies in which developers develop, designers design, and teachers teach.
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