AU Library now makes more information available to users at their workspace than ever before. More than 40 online journal databases are accessible through the Library’s information gateway. Online databases provide bibliographic citations and some abstracts. In addition some of these databases provide the fulltext of journal articles. A recent analysis of journal databases that include fulltext reveals articles from more than 3000 unique journals are available online. This provides for a one-stop-shop, that is updated frequently, is searchable, and that provides the fulltext online.
The Library has a number of mechanisms in place on its library system to capture data regarding connection to the library system and use of the electronic databases. Recent analysis of user connections to databases on the library server clearly indicates that the databases that provide fulltext online are accessed the most.
Recent analysis of service usage of the AU’s library proxy server reveals that the system is accessed twenty-four hours a day. While the majority of use happens during the working hours of local time, there are connections occurring in the wee hours of the morning -- indeed, “around the clock”.
While in the early days of Athabasca University the majority of students served by the University resided in
Alberta, more students now come to AU from across Canada, and overseas. Recent analysis confirms that
the majority of users continue to come to the AU Library information gateway from Canada and North America. However, usage data confirm that users of AU Library’s information gateway/web pages come from all continents of the world. Data collected also indicates that users are connecting with high-end graphical browsers and are using computers with high-end operating systems. This is no particular surprise as the cost of computer equipment and Internet connectivity is coming down dramatically (in North America for sure).
An Increase in Global Activity
Over the recent years it has interesting to observe and track data surrounding the enrolment trends in the University and to monitor usage statistics of Library Services. While enrolments by students within Alberta and across Canada remain very strong, the potential for increases in course enrolments by students outside Canada and North America is especially strong.
Most recently the University has engaged in collaborative agreements and alliances with institutions outside North America. Regarding the provision of library services, the challenge to deliver print materials to students outside Canada remains. However the provision of library services using electronic means becomes more or less a non-issue.
Online resources such as databases that include fulltext reduce the challenge of delivering some types of materials off-shore. AU students who have an active status need only have sufficient computer hardware and skills and a reasonable Internet service provider in order to do extensive searching and researching of resources. Students who conduct a successful search may evaluate their search results and finally read, print, or download the specific search results to their PC workspace.
While online utilities and resources have become increasingly more ubiquitous, and while the educational environment has become increasingly more electronic, many of the underlying principles of library use and the quest for information remain the same. The saying “the more things change the more things remain the same” remains true. For example:
· Users of AU Library services and materials continue to be able to contact the Library Information Desk on an individual basis. A noted increase has occurred in the number of electronic (e-mail) requests. The use of the telephone remains a primary means for contacting the Desk. This is evident in the increased number of messages that are left on the voice-mail answering system. The telephone also remains as a primary mode of communication as noted by the number of telephone called actually taken at the Library Information Desk.
· Users of AU Library continue to contact the Library Information Desk for help. Users have know
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