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Feed: 大富翁笔记 Title: 公用函数! | Author: wzmbox Comments |
使用方法, uses 本单元——>使用如:Pub.MsgBox(''你好,欢迎使用本公用函数!''); ShowMessage(Pub.PathExeDir); //////////////////////以下源码开始 {$DEFINE Delphi6}//D5下不要此句 unit PubFuncUnit; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, ShellAPI, Messages, Classes, Forms, Controls, ComCtrls, Dialogs, Graphics, Registry, winsock, ComObj, WinInet,FileCtrl {$IFDEF Delphi6},Variants{$EndIf}; const DEFAULT_DELIMITERS = ['' '', #9, #10, #13];//空格分隔 type TMyClass = class private procedure CleanDirectoryProc(sFileName: string; var bContinue: Boolean); end; TEnumDirectoryFileProc = procedure (Filename: string; var bContinue: Boolean) of object; type TPub = class private procedure ProcessTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); public //封装API ShellExecute// 0:隐含窗口,1:显示窗口....其他参考帮助 function MyShellExecute(const sFileName: string; sPara: string= ''''; sAction :string = ''Open''; flag: integer = 1): LongInt; //在进程中运行//如:Pub.Execute(''C:\WINNT\system32\net.exe send huo aa'',true,true,nil); function MyExecute(const Command: string; bWaitExecute: Boolean; bShowWindow: Boolean; PI: PProcessInformation): Boolean; //文件操作部分起 //拷贝一个文件,封装CopyFile procedure FileCopyFile(const sSrcFile, sDstfile: string); //给定路径复制文件到同一目录下 bRecursive:true所有 procedure FileCopyDirectory(sDir, tDir: string; bRecursive: Boolean);overload; //给定路径原样复制文件 ,自编 procedure FileCopyDirectory(sDir, tDir: string);overload; //给定路径原样复制文件 ,用WinAPI ,若原目录下有相同文件则再生成一个 procedure FileCopyDirectory(sDir, tDir:string;AHandle:Thandle);overload; //移动文件夹 procedure FileMoveDirectory(sDir, tDir:string;AHandle:Thandle); //删除给定路径及以下的所有路径和文件 procedure FileDeleteDirectory(sDir: string);overload; //删除给定路径及以下的所有路径和文件 用WinApi procedure FileDeleteDirectory(AHandle: THandle;const ADirName: string);overload; //删除给定路径及以下的所有路径和文件 到回收站 procedure FileDeleteDirectoryToCycle(AHandle: THandle;const ADirName: string); //取得指定文件的大小 function FileGetFileSize(const Filename: string): DWORD; //在Path下取得唯一FilenameX文件 function FileGetUniqueFileName(const Path: string; Filename: string): string; //取得临时文件 function FileGetTemporaryFileName: string; //取得系统路径 function PathGetSystemPath: string; //取得Windows路径 function PathGetWindowsPath: string; //给定文件名取得在系统目录下的路径,复制时用 function PathSystemDirFile(const Filename: string): string; //给定文件名取得在Windows目录下的路径,复制时用 function PathWindowsDirFile(const Filename: string): string; //给定文件名取得在系统盘下的路径,复制时用 function PathSystemDriveFile(const Filename: string): string; //路径最后有''/''则去''/'' function PathWithoutSlash(const Path: string): string; //路径最后没有''/''则加''/'' function PathWithSlash(const Path: string): string; //取得两路径的不同部分,条件是前半部分相同 function PathRelativePath(BaseDir, FilePath: string): string; //取得去掉属性的路径,文件名也作为DIR function PathExtractFileNameNoExt(Filename: string): string; //判断两路径是否相等 function PathComparePath(const Path1, Path2: string): Boolean; //取得给定路径的父路径 function PathParentDirectory(Path: string): string; //分割路径,Result=根(如d:)sPath = 除根外的其他部分 function PathGetRootDir(var sPath: string): string; //取得路径最后部分和其他部分 如d:\aa\aa result:=aa sPath:=d:\aa\ function PathGetLeafDir(var sPath: string): string; //取得当前应用程序的路径 function PathExeDir(FileName: string = ''''): string; //文件操作部分止 //系统处理起 //提示窗口 procedure MsgBox(const Msg: string); //错误显示窗口 procedure MsgErrBox(const Msg: string); //询问窗口 带''是'',''否''按钮 function MsgYesNoBox(const Msg: string): Boolean; //询问窗口 带''是'',''否,''取消''按钮//返回值smbYes,smbNo,smbCancel function MsgYesNoCancelBox(const Msg: string): Integer; //使鼠标变忙和恢复正常 procedure DoBusy(Busy: Boolean); //显示错误信息 procedure ShowLastError(const Msg: string = ''API Error''); //发出错误信息 procedure RaiseLastError(const Msg: string = ''API Error''); //释放Strings连接的相关资源 procedure FreeStringsObjects(SL: TStrings); //系统处理止 //时间处理起 //整数到时间 function TimeT_To_DateTime(TimeT: Longint): TDateTime; //转化为秒 function TimeToSecond(const H, M, S: Integer): Integer; //秒转化 procedure TimeSecondToTime(const secs: Integer; var H, M, S: Word); //秒转化 function TimeSecondToTimeStr(secs: Integer): string; //时间处理止 //控件处理起 //设置控件是否能使用 procedure ConEnableControl(AControl: TControl; Enable: Boolean); //设置控件是否能使用,包子控件 procedure ConEnableChildControls(AControl: TControl; Enable: Boolean); procedure ConEnableClassControl(AControl: TControl; Enable: Boolean; ControlClass: TControlClass); procedure ConFree(aCon: TWinControl);//释放aCon上的控件 //从文件本中导入,类似LoadfromFile procedure ConLoadTreeViewFromTextFile(Nodes: TTreeNodes; Filename: string); //存为文本,类似SaveToFile procedure ConSaveTreeViewToTextFile(Nodes: TTreeNodes; Filename: string); //在控件上写文本 procedure ConWriteText(aContr: TControl;sText: string); //控件处理止 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:47:44 得分:0 //字符串处理起 //取以Delimiters分隔的字符串 bTrail如果为True则把第index个后的也取出来 function StrGetToken(const S: string; index: Integer; bTrail: Boolean = False; Delimiters: TSysCharSet = DEFAULT_DELIMITERS): string; //取以Delimiters分隔的字符串的个数 function StrCountWords(S: string; Delimiters: TSysCharSet = DEFAULT_DELIMITERS): Integer; //用NewToken替换S中所有Token bCaseSensitive:=true大小写敏感 function StrReplaceString(var S: string; const Token, NewToken: string; bCaseSensitive: Boolean): Boolean; //从第Index个起以Substr替换Count个字符 procedure StrSimple_ReplaceString(var S: string; const Substr: string; index, Count: Integer); //去掉S中的回车返行符 procedure StrTruncateCRLF(var S: string); //判定S是否以回车返行符结束 function StrIsContainingCRLF(const S: string): Boolean; //把SL中的各项数据转化为以Delimiter分隔的Str function StrCompositeStrings(SL: TStrings; const Delimiter: string): string; //封装TStrings的LoadFromFile function StrSafeLoadStrings(SL: TStrings; const Filename: string): Boolean; //封装TStrings的SaveToFile procedure StrSafeSaveStrings(SL: TStrings; const Filename: string); //字符串处理止 //字体处理起 procedure StringToFont(sFont: string; Font: TFont; bIncludeColor: Boolean = True); function FontToString(Font: TFont; bIncludeColor: Boolean = True): string; //字体处理止 //网络起 //判定是否在线 function NetJudgeOnline:boolean; //得到本机的局域网Ip地址 Function NetGetLocalIp(var LocalIp:string): Boolean; //通过Ip返回机器名 Function NetGetNameByIPAddr(IPAddr: string; var MacName: string): Boolean ; //获取网络中SQLServer列表 Function NetGetSQLServerList(var List: Tstringlist): Boolean; //获取网络中的所有网络类型 Function NetGetNetList(var List: Tstringlist): Boolean; //获取网络中的工作组 Function NetGetGroupList(var List: TStringList): Boolean; //获取工作组中所有计算机 Function NetGetUsers(GroupName: string; var List: TStringList): Boolean; //获取网络中的资源 Function NetGetUserResource(IpAddr: string; var List: TStringList): Boolean; //映射网络驱动器 Function NetAddConnection(NetPath: Pchar; PassWord: Pchar;LocalPath: Pchar): Boolean; //检测网络状态 Function NetCheckNet(IpAddr:string): Boolean; //检测机器是否登入网络 Function NetCheckMacAttachNet: Boolean; //判断Ip协议有没有安装 这个函数有问题 Function NetIsIPInstalled : boolean; //检测机器是否上网 Function NetInternetConnected: Boolean; //网络止 //窗口起 function FormCreateProcessFrm(MsgTitle: string):TForm; //窗口止 //EMail起 function CheckMailAddress(Text: string): boolean; //EMail止 end; var Pub: TPub; implementation uses ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, TFlatProgressBarUnit; { TMyClass } Top 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:48:18 得分:0 const csfsBold = ''Bold''; csfsItalic = ''Italic''; csfsUnderline = ''Underline''; csfsStrikeout = ''Strikeout''; C_Err_GetLocalIp = ''获取本地ip失败''; C_Err_GetNameByIpAddr = ''获取主机名失败''; C_Err_GetSQLServerList = ''获取SQLServer服务器失败''; C_Err_GetUserResource = ''获取共享资失败''; C_Err_GetGroupList = ''获取所有工作组失败''; C_Err_GetGroupUsers = ''获取工作组中所有计算机失败''; C_Err_GetNetList = ''获取所有网络类型失败''; C_Err_CheckNet = ''网络不通''; C_Err_CheckAttachNet = ''未登入网络''; C_Err_InternetConnected =''没有上网''; C_Txt_CheckNetSuccess = ''网络畅通''; C_Txt_CheckAttachNetSuccess = ''已登入网络''; C_Txt_InternetConnected =''上网了''; procedure TMyClass.CleanDirectoryProc(sFileName: string; var bContinue: Boolean); var Attr: Integer; begin Attr := FileGetAttr(sFileName); Attr := (not faReadOnly) and Attr; // Turn off ReadOnly attribute Attr := (not faHidden) and Attr; // Turn off Hidden attribute FileSetAttr(sFileName, Attr); if Attr and faDirectory <> 0 then RMDir(sFileName) else SysUtils.DeleteFile(sFileName); end; { TPub } function TPub.PathWithoutSlash(const Path: string): string; begin if (Length(Path) > 0) and (Path[Length(Path)] = ''\'') then Result := Copy(Path, 1, Length(Path) - 1) else Result := Path; end; function TPub.PathWithSlash(const Path: string): string; begin Result := Path; if (Length(Result) > 0) and (Result[Length(Result)] <> ''\'') then Result := Result + ''\''; end; function TPub.PathRelativePath(BaseDir, FilePath: string): string; begin Result := FilePath; BaseDir := AnsiUpperCaseFileName(PathWithSlash(BaseDir)); FilePath := AnsiUpperCaseFileName(FilePath); if Copy(FilePath, 1, Length(BaseDir)) = BaseDir then Delete(Result, 1, Length(BaseDir)); end; function TPub.MyShellExecute(const sFileName: string; sPara: string= ''''; sAction :string = ''Open''; flag: integer = 1): LongInt; begin Result := ShellExecute(Application.Handle, PChar(sAction), PChar(sFileName), PChar(sPara), PChar(''''), flag);// > 32; if Result < 33 then RaiseLastError(''ShellExecute''); end; function TPub.MyExecute(const Command: string; bWaitExecute: Boolean; bShowWindow: Boolean; PI: PProcessInformation): Boolean; var StartupInfo : TStartupInfo; ProcessInformation: TProcessInformation; begin FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0); with StartupInfo do begin cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; if bShowWindow then wShowWindow := SW_NORMAL else wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; end; Result := CreateProcess(nil, PChar(Command), nil, nil, True, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInformation); if not Result then Exit; if bWaitExecute then WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInformation.hProcess, INFINITE); if Assigned(PI) then Move(ProcessInformation, PI^, SizeOf(ProcessInformation)); end; function TPub.PathExtractFileNameNoExt(Filename: string): string; begin Result := Copy(Filename, 1, Length(Filename) - Length(ExtractFileExt(Filename))); end; function TPub.FileGetFileSize(const Filename: string): DWORD; var Hfile: THandle; begin HFILE := CreateFile(PChar(Filename), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if HFILE <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin Result := GetFileSize(HFILE, nil); CloseHandle(HFILE); end else Result := 0; end; procedure TPub.FileCopyFile(const sSrcFile, sDstfile: string); begin if AnsiCompareFileName(sSrcFile, sDstFile) <> 0 then CopyFile(PChar(sSrcFile), PChar(sDstFile), False); end; function TPub.FileGetTemporaryFileName: string; var Buf, Buf1: array[0..255] of Char; begin GetTempPath(255, @Buf); GetTempFileName(@Buf, ''xpd'', 0, @Buf1); Result := StrPas(@Buf1); end; function TruncateTrailNumber(var S: string): Integer;//取得逗号分开的两数,后数据必为合法整数222,333 s := 222 result := 333 var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; I := Pos('','', S); if I <> 0 then begin Result := StrToIntDef(Copy(S, I + 1, Length(S)), - 1); Delete(S, I, Length(S)); end; end; function TruncateTrailIfNotDLL(S: string): string; begin Result := S; TruncateTrailNumber(S); if (CompareText(ExtractFileExt(S), ''.DLL'') <> 0) and (CompareText(ExtractFileExt(S), ''.ICL'') <> 0) and (CompareText(ExtractFileExt(S), ''.EXE'') <> 0) then Result := S; end; function TPub.PathParentDirectory(Path: string): string; var iLastAntiSlash: Integer; function CountAntiSlash: Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; I := 1; repeat if IsDBCSLeadByte(Ord(Path[I])) then Inc(I, 2) else begin if Path[I] = ''\'' then begin iLastAntiSlash := I; Inc(Result); end; Inc(I); end; until I > Length(Path); end; function UpOneDirectory: string; begin Result := Copy(Path, 1, iLastAntiSlash); // with slash end; begin // ''c:\windows\system\'' => ''c:\window\'' // ''f:\'' => ''f:\'' // ''\\xshadow\f\fonts'' => ''\\xshadow\f\'' // ''\\xshadow\f\'' => ''\\xshadow\f\'' Path := PathWithoutSlash(Path); if Length(Path) > 3 then begin if (Path[1] = ''\'') and (Path[2] = ''\'') then begin if CountAntiSlash > 3 then Result := UpOneDirectory; end else begin if CountAntiSlash > 1 then Result := UpOneDirectory; end; end else Result := Path; end; Top 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:48:44 得分:0 function TPub.PathSystemDirFile(const Filename: string): string; var Buf: array[0..255] of Char; begin GetSystemDirectory(@Buf, 255); Result := PathWithSlash(StrPas(@Buf)) + Filename; end; function TPub.PathWindowsDirFile(const Filename: string): string; var Buf: array[0..255] of Char; begin GetWindowsDirectory(@Buf, 255); Result := PathWithSlash(StrPas(@Buf)) + Filename; end; function TPub.PathSystemDriveFile(const Filename: string): string; var Buf: array[0..255] of Char; begin GetSystemDirectory(@Buf, 255); Result := PathWithSlash(ExtractFileDrive(StrPas(@Buf))) + Filename; end; function TPub.PathComparePath(const Path1, Path2: string): Boolean; begin Result := AnsiCompareFileName(PathWithoutSlash(Path1), PathWithoutSlash(Path2)) = 0; end; procedure EnumDirectoryFiles(sDir, SMASK: string; Attr: Integer; EnumDirectoryFileProc: TEnumDirectoryFileProc); var SearchRec: TSearchRec; Status : Integer; bContinue: Boolean; begin sDir := Pub.PathWithSlash(sDir); // traverse child directories Status := FindFirst(sDir + ''*.*'', faDirectory, SearchRec); try while Status = 0 do begin if (SearchRec.name <> ''.'') and (SearchRec.name <> ''..'') then EnumDirectoryFiles(sDir + SearchRec.name, SMASK, Attr, EnumDirectoryFileProc); Status := FindNext(SearchRec); end; finally SysUtils.FindClose(SearchRec); end; // exam each valid file and invoke the callback func Status := FindFirst(sDir + SMASK, faAnyFile, SearchRec); try while Status = 0 do begin if (SearchRec.Attr and Attr <> 0) and (FileExists(sDir + SearchRec.name) or DirectoryExists(sDir + SearchRec.name)) and not ((SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory <> 0) and ((SearchRec.name = ''.'') or (SearchRec.name = ''..''))) then begin bContinue := True; EnumDirectoryFileProc(sDir + SearchRec.name, bContinue); if not bContinue then Break; end; Status := FindNext(SearchRec); end; finally SysUtils.FindClose(SearchRec); end; end; procedure TPub.FileDeleteDirectory(sDir: string); begin //if not MsgYesNoBox(''确信要删除该目录及以下所有文件夹和文件吗?'') then exit; with TMyClass.Create do try EnumDirectoryFiles(sDir, ''*.*'', faAnyFile, CleanDirectoryProc); finally Free; end; RMDir(sDir); end; procedure TPub.FileDeleteDirectory(AHandle: THandle;const ADirName: string); var SHFileOpStruct:TSHFileOpStruct; DirName: PChar; BufferSize: Cardinal; begin // 调用shFileOperation函数可以实现对目录的拷贝、移动、重命名或删除操作 BufferSize := length(ADirName) + 2; GetMem(DirName,BufferSize); try FIllChar(DirName^, BufferSize, 0); StrCopy(DirName,PChar(ADirName)); with SHFileOpStruct do begin Wnd := AHandle; WFunc := FO_DELETE; pFrom := DirName; pTO := nil; fFlags := FOF_ALLOWUNDO; fAnyOperationsAborted := false; hNameMappings := nil; lpszProgressTitle := nil; end; if SHFileOperation(SHFileOpStruct) <> 0 then Raiselastwin32Error; finally FreeMem(DirName,BufferSize); end; end; procedure TPub.FileDeleteDirectoryToCycle(AHandle: THandle;const ADirName: string); var SHFileOpStruct:TSHFileOpStruct; DirName: PChar; BufferSize: Cardinal; aa: string; begin // 调用shFileOperation函数可以实现对目录的拷贝、移动、重命名或删除操作 if not DirectoryExists(ADirName) then begin aa := ADirName; MsgBox(''不存在文件夹“'' + PathGetLeafDir(aa) + ''”,删除失败!''); exit; end; BufferSize := length(ADirName) + 2; GetMem(DirName,BufferSize); try FIllChar(DirName^, BufferSize, 0); StrCopy(DirName,PChar(ADirName)); with SHFileOpStruct do begin Wnd := AHandle; WFunc := FO_DELETE; pFrom := DirName; pTO := nil; fFlags := FOF_ALLOWUNDO; fAnyOperationsAborted:=false; hNameMappings:=nil; lpszProgressTitle:=nil; end; if SHFileOperation(SHFileOpStruct) <> 0 then Raiselastwin32Error; finally FreeMem(DirName,BufferSize); end; end; procedure TPub.FileCopyDirectory(sDir, tDir: string; bRecursive: Boolean); var SearchRec: TSearchRec; Status : Integer; begin sDir := PathWithSlash(sDir); tDir := PathWithSlash(tDir); Status := FindFirst(sDir + ''*.*'', faAnyFile, SearchRec); try while Status = 0 do begin if bRecursive and (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory = faDirectory) then begin if (SearchRec.name <> ''.'') and (SearchRec.name <> ''..'') then FileCopyDirectory(sDir + SearchRec.name, tDir, bRecursive); end else FileCopyFile(sDir + SearchRec.name, tDir + SearchRec.name); Status := FindNext(SearchRec); end; finally SysUtils.FindClose(SearchRec); end; end; function TPub.FileGetUniqueFileName(const Path: string; Filename: string): string; var I : Integer; sExt: string; begin Result := Filename; sExt := ExtractFileExt(Filename); Filename := PathExtractFileNameNoExt(Filename); I := 1; repeat if not FileExists(PathWithSlash(Path) + Result) then Break; Result := Filename + IntToStr(I) + sExt; Inc(I); until False; Result := PathWithSlash(Path) + Filename + sExt; end; function TPub.PathGetSystemPath: string; var Buf: array[0..255] of Char; begin GetSystemDirectory(@Buf, 255); Result := PathWithSlash(StrPas(@Buf)); end; function TPub.PathGetWindowsPath: string; var Buf: array[0..255] of Char; begin GetWindowsDirectory(@Buf, 255); Result := PathWithSlash(StrPas(@Buf)); end; function TPub.PathGetRootDir(var sPath: string): string; var I: Integer; begin I := AnsiPos(''\'', sPath); if I <> 0 then Result := Copy(sPath, 1, I) else Result := sPath; Delete(sPath, 1, Length(Result)); Result := PathWithoutSlash(Result); end; function TPub.PathGetLeafDir(var sPath: string): string; begin sPath := PathWithoutSlash(sPath); Result := ExtractFileName(sPath); sPath := ExtractFilePath(sPath); end; Top 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:49:14 得分:0 //系统部分 procedure TPub.MsgBox(const Msg: string); begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(Msg), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONINFORMATION); end; procedure TPub.MsgErrBox(const Msg: string); begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(Msg), PChar(Application.Title), MB_IConERROR); end; function TPub.MsgYesNoBox(const Msg: string): Boolean; begin Result := Application.MessageBox(PChar(Msg), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON1) = IDYES; end; function TPub.MsgYesNoCancelBox(const Msg: string): Integer; begin Result := Application.MessageBox(PChar(Msg), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_DEFBUTTON1) end; procedure TPub.DoBusy(Busy: Boolean); var Times: Integer; begin Times := 0; if Busy then begin Inc(Times); if Times = 1 then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; end else begin dec(Times); if Times = 0 then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; function GetLastErrorStr: string; var Buf: PChar; begin FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER or FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil, GetLastError, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, @Buf, 0, nil); try Result := StrPas(Buf); finally LocalFree(HLOCAL(Buf)); end; end; procedure TPub.ShowLastError(const Msg: string = ''API Error''); begin MsgBox(Msg + '': '' + GetLastErrorStr); end; procedure TPub.RaiseLastError(const Msg: string = ''API Error''); begin raise Exception.Create(Msg + '': '' + GetLastErrorStr); end; procedure TPub.FreeStringsObjects(SL: TStrings); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to SL.count - 1 do if assigned(SL.objects[I]) then begin Dispose(pointer(SL.objects[I])); SL.objects[I] := nil; end; end; //以下时间 function TPub.TimeT_To_DateTime(TimeT: Longint): TDateTime; var ts: TTimeStamp; begin Dec(TimeT, 3600 * 8); // still unprecise ts.Time := (TimeT mod 86400) * 1000; ts.Date := TimeT div 86400 + 719163; Result := TimeStampToDateTime(ts); end; function TPub.TimeToSecond(const H, M, S: Integer): Integer; begin Result := H * 3600 + M * 60 + S; end; procedure TPub.TimeSecondToTime(const secs: Integer; var H, M, S: Word); begin H := secs div 3600; M := (secs mod 3600) div 60; S := secs mod 60; end; function TPub.TimeSecondToTimeStr(secs: Integer): string; var H, M, S: Word; begin TimeSecondtotime(secs, h, m, s); result := ''''; if h <> 0 then Result := result + format(''%-.2d '', [h]); if m <> 0 then Result := result + format(''%-.2d だ '', [m]); if s <> 0 then Result := result + format(''%-.2d '', [s]); end; //以下控件 procedure TPub.ConEnableControl(AControl: TControl; Enable: Boolean); var I: Integer; begin AControl.Enabled := Enable; if AControl is TWinControl then with TWinControl(AControl) do begin for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do ConEnableControl(Controls[I], Enable); end; end; procedure TPub.ConEnableChildControls(AControl: TControl; Enable: Boolean); var I: Integer; begin if AControl is TWinControl then with TWinControl(AControl) do begin for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do ConEnableControl(Controls[I], Enable); end; end; procedure TPub.ConEnableClassControl(AControl: TControl; Enable: Boolean; ControlClass: TControlClass); var I: Integer; begin if (AControl is ControlClass) then AControl.Enabled := Enable; if AControl is TWinControl then with TWinControl(AControl) do begin for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do ConEnableClassControl(Controls[I], Enable, ControlClass); end; end; function ParseRPLNo(var Msg: string): Integer; var S: string; begin S := Pub.StrGetToken(Msg, 1,False ); Result := StrToIntDef(S, 0); Msg := Pub.StrGetToken(Msg, 2,True ); end; procedure TPub.ConLoadTreeViewFromTextFile(Nodes: TTreeNodes; Filename: string); var F: TextFile; function ProcessNode(Node: TTreeNode; LevelNo: Integer): TTreeNode; var S : string; No: Integer; begin Result := Node; repeat readln(F, S); No := ParseRPLNo(S); if No > LevelNo then begin Node := ProcessNode(Nodes.addchild(Node, S), No); end else if No < LevelNo then begin Result := Nodes.Add(Node.Parent, S); Exit; end else Node := Nodes.Add(Node, S); until EOF(F); end; begin Assignfile(F, Filename); reset(F); ProcessNode(nil, 1); CloseFile(F); end; procedure TPub.ConSaveTreeViewToTextFile(Nodes: TTreeNodes; Filename: string); var F: TextFile; procedure ProcessNode(Node: TTreeNode; Depth: Integer); begin while Node <> nil do begin Writeln(F, IntToStr(Depth) + '' '' + Node.Text); if Node.HasChildren then ProcessNode(Node.GetFirstChild, Depth + 1); Node := Node.getNextSibling; end; end; begin Assignfile(F, Filename); rewrite(F); ProcessNode(Nodes.GetFirstNode, 1); CloseFile(F); end; //以下字符串 function TPub.StrGetToken(const S: string; index: Integer; bTrail: Boolean = False; Delimiters: TSysCharSet = DEFAULT_DELIMITERS): string; var I, W, head, tail: Integer; bInWord : Boolean; begin I := 1; W := 0; bInWord := False; head := 1; tail := Length(S); while (I <= Length(S)) and (W <= index) do begin if S[I] in Delimiters then begin if (W = index) and bInWord then tail := I - 1; bInWord := False; end else begin if not bInWord then begin bInWord := True; Inc(W); if W = index then head := I; end; end; Inc(I); end; if bTrail then tail := Length(S); if W >= index then Result := Copy(S, head, tail - head + 1) else Result := ''''; end; function TPub.StrCountWords(S: string; Delimiters: TSysCharSet = DEFAULT_DELIMITERS): Integer; var bInWord: Boolean; I : Integer; begin Result := 0; I := 1; bInWord := False; while I <= Length(S) do begin if S[I] in Delimiters then bInWord := False else begin if not bInWord then begin bInWord := True; Inc(Result); end; end; Inc(I); end; end; function TPub.StrIsContainingCRLF(const S: string): Boolean; var len: Integer; begin len := Length(S); Result := (len >= 2) and (S[len - 1] = #13) and (S[len] = #10); end; procedure TPub.StrTruncateCRLF(var S: string); var I: Integer; begin I := 1; while I <= Length(S) do if (S[I] = #13) or (S[I] = #10) then Delete(S, I, 1) else Inc(I); end; Top 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:50:16 得分:0 function TPub.StrReplaceString(var S: string; const Token, NewToken: string; bCaseSensitive: Boolean): Boolean; var I : Integer; sFirstPart: string; begin if bCaseSensitive then I := AnsiPos(Token, S) else I := AnsiPos(AnsiUpperCase(Token), AnsiUpperCase(S)); if I <> 0 then begin sFirstPart := Copy(S, 1, I - 1) + NewToken; S := Copy(S, I + Length(Token), Maxint); end; Result := I <> 0; if Result then begin StrReplaceString(S, Token, NewToken, bCaseSensitive); S := sFirstPart + S; end; end; procedure TPub.StrSimple_ReplaceString(var S: string; const Substr: string; index, Count: Integer); begin S := Format(''%s%s%s'',[Copy(S, 1, index - 1), Substr, Copy(S, index + Count, Maxint)]); end; function TPub.StrCompositeStrings(SL: TStrings; const Delimiter: string): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''''; with SL do begin for I := 0 to Count - 2 do Result := Result + Strings[I] + Delimiter; if Count > 0 then Result := Result + Strings[Count - 1]; end; end; function TPub.StrSafeLoadStrings(SL: TStrings; const Filename: string): Boolean; begin Result := False; repeat try if not FileExists(Filename) then Exit; SL.LoadFromFile(Filename); Result := True; Break; except Sleep(500); end; until False; end; procedure TPub.StrSafeSaveStrings(SL: TStrings; const Filename: string); begin ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(Filename)); repeat try SL.SaveToFile(Filename); Break; except Sleep(500); end; until False; end; //以下字体 function TPub.FontToString(Font: TFont; bIncludeColor: Boolean): string; var sStyle: string; begin with Font do begin // convert font style to string sStyle := ''''; if (fsBold in Style) then sStyle := sStyle + csfsBold; if (fsItalic in Style) then sStyle := sStyle + csfsItalic; if (fsUnderline in Style) then sStyle := sStyle + csfsUnderline; if (fsStrikeOut in Style) then sStyle := sStyle + csfsStrikeout; if ((Length(sStyle) > 0) and ('''' = sStyle[1])) then sStyle := Copy(sStyle, 2, Length(sStyle) - 1); Result := Format(''"%s", %d, [%s]'',[name, Size, sStyle]); if bIncludeColor then Result := Result + Format('', [%s]'',[ColorToString(Color)]); end; end; procedure TPub.StringToFont(sFont: string; Font: TFont; bIncludeColor: Boolean); var P : Integer; sStyle: string; // Expected format: begin // "Arial", 9, [Bold], [clRed] with Font do // try // get font name P := Pos('','', sFont); name := Copy(sFont, 2, P - 3); Delete(sFont, 1, P); // get font size P := Pos('','', sFont); Size := StrToInt(Copy(sFont, 2, P - 2)); Delete(sFont, 1, P); // get font style P := Pos('','', sFont); sStyle := '''' + Copy(sFont, 3, P - 4); Delete(sFont, 1, P); // get font color if bIncludeColor then Color := StringToColor(Copy(sFont, 3, Length(sFont) - 3)); // convert str font style to // font style Style := []; if (Pos(csfsBold, sStyle) > 0) then Style := Style + [fsBold]; if (Pos(csfsItalic, sStyle) > 0) then Style := Style + [fsItalic]; if (Pos(csfsUnderline, sStyle) > 0) then Style := Style + [fsUnderline]; if (Pos(csfsStrikeout, sStyle) > 0) then Style := Style + [fsStrikeOut]; except end; end; procedure TPub.ConWriteText(aContr: TControl;sText: string); var c:TCanvas; begin c:=TControlCanvas.Create; TControlCanvas(c).Control := aContr; c.Font.Size := 12;// Brush.Style:=bsClear; c.Font.Color := clBlue; //c.Pen.Color:=clBlue; c.TextOut(1,1,sText);// Rectangle(5,5,15,15); c.Free; end; Top 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:51:03 得分:0 procedure TPub.FileCopyDirectory(sDir, tDir: string); var aWaitForm: TForm; RetValue: integer; procedure MyCopy(aDir, sDir: string); var sr: TSearchRec; begin aDir := PathWithSlash(aDir); sDir := PathWithSlash(sDir); if FindFirst(aDir+''*.*'', faAnyFile, sr) = 0 then begin repeat if sr.Attr and faDirectory = faDirectory then begin if not DirectoryExists(aDir + sr.Name) then exit; if (sr.Name <> ''.'') and (sr.Name <> ''..'') then MyCopy(aDir + sr.Name,sDir + sr.Name); end else begin if (sr.Name <> ''.'') and (sr.Name <> ''..'') then begin ForceDirectories(sDir); Application.ProcessMessages; aWaitForm.Caption := ''正在复制'' + aDir + sr.Name; Application.ProcessMessages; FileCopyFile(aDir + sr.Name,sDir + sr.Name);//在线程中执行 //MyThread1.sPath := aDir + sr.Name; //MyThread1.tPath := sDir + sr.Name; //MyThread1.flag := true; Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; until FindNext(sr) <> 0; FindClose(sr); end; end; begin if DirectoryExists(tDir) then begin if Pub.MsgYesNoBox(''已存在该文件夹确信要覆盖吗?'') then FileDeleteDirectory(tDir) else exit; end; aWaitForm := FormCreateProcessFrm(''正在复制文件,请稍候...''); try aWaitForm.Show; Application.ProcessMessages; MyCopy(sDir, tDir); finally ConFree(aWaitForm);//先释放Form上的控件 aWaitForm.Free; aWaitForm := nil; end; end; procedure MyFileCopyDirectory(sDir, tDir:string;AHandle:Thandle;Flag: integer = 0); var fromdir,todir{,dirname}:pchar; SHFileOpStruct:TSHFileOpStruct; begin GetMem(fromdir,length(sDir)+2); try GetMem(todir,length(tdir)+2); try FIllchar(fromdir^,length(sDir)+2,0); FIllchar(todir^,length(tDir)+2,0); strcopy(fromdir,pchar(sDir)); strcopy(todir,pchar(tDir)); with SHFileOpStruct do begin wnd := AHandle; if Flag = 1 then WFunc := FO_MOVE else WFunc := FO_COPY; //该参数指明shFileOperation函数将执行目录的拷贝 pFrom:=fromdir; pTO:=todir; fFlags:=FOF_NOCONFIRMATION OR FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION; fAnyOperationsAborted:=false; hnamemappings:=nil; lpszprogresstitle:=nil; end; if shFileOperation(SHFileOpStruct)<>0 then Raiselastwin32Error; finally FreeMem(todir,length(tDir)+2); end; finally FreeMem(fromdir,length(sDir)+2); end; end; procedure TPub.FileMoveDirectory(sDir, tDir:string;AHandle:Thandle); var fromdir,todir{,dirname}:pchar; SHFileOpStruct:TSHFileOpStruct; begin // 调用shFileOperation函数可以实现对目录的拷贝、移动、重命名或删除操作 if not DirectoryExists(sDir) then begin MsgBox(''不存在源路径“'' + sDir + ''”,移动数据失败!''); exit; end; if DirectoryExists(tDir) then begin if Pub.MsgYesNoBox(''已存在该文件夹确信要覆盖吗?'') then FileDeleteDirectory(tDir) else exit; end else if not MsgYesNoBox(''不存在目标路径“'' + tDir + ''”,要创建吗?'') then exit; ForceDirectories(tDir); MyFileCopyDirectory(sDir, tDir, AHandle, 1); end; procedure TPub.FileCopyDirectory(sDir, tDir:string;AHandle:Thandle); begin // 调用shFileOperation函数可以实现对目录的拷贝、移动、重命名或删除操作 if not DirectoryExists(sDir) then begin MsgBox(''不存在源路径“'' + sDir + ''”,复制失败!''); exit; end; if DirectoryExists(tDir) then begin if Pub.MsgYesNoBox(''已存在该文件夹确信要覆盖吗?'') then FileDeleteDirectory(tDir) else exit; end else if not MsgYesNoBox(''不存在目标路径“'' + tDir + ''”,要创建吗?'') then exit; ForceDirectories(tDir); MyFileCopyDirectory(sDir, tDir, AHandle); end; //以下网络 function TPub.NetJudgeOnline: boolean; var b: array[0..4] of Byte; begin with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; OpenKey(''System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess'',False); ReadBinaryData(''Remote Connection'',b,4); finally Free; end; if b[0]=0 then Result := true else Result := false; end; {================================================================= 功 能: 检测机器是否登入网络 参 数: 无 返回值: 成功: True 失败: False 备 注: 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/03 09:55:00 =================================================================} Function TPub.NetCheckMacAttachNet: Boolean; begin Result := False; if GetSystemMetrics(SM_NETWORK) <> 0 then //所有连入网的 Result := True; end; {================================================================= 功 能: 返回本机的局域网Ip地址 参 数: 无 返回值: 成功: True, 并填充LocalIp 失败: False 备 注: 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/02 21:05:00 =================================================================} function TPub.NetGetLocalIP(var LocalIp: string): Boolean; var HostEnt: PHostEnt; Ip: string; addr: pchar; Buffer: array [0..63] of char; GInitData: TWSADATA; begin Result := False; try WSAStartup(2, GInitData); GetHostName(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)); HostEnt := GetHostByName(buffer); if HostEnt = nil then Exit; addr := HostEnt^.h_addr_list^; ip := Format(''%d.%d.%d.%d'', [byte(addr [0]), byte (addr [1]), byte (addr [2]), byte (addr [3])]); LocalIp := Ip; Result := True; finally WSACleanup; end; end; {================================================================= 功 能: 通过Ip返回机器名 参 数: IpAddr: 想要得到名字的Ip 返回值: 成功: 机器名 失败: '''' 备 注: inet_addr function converts a string containing an Internet Protocol dotted address into an in_addr. 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/02 22:09:00 =================================================================} function TPub.NetGetNameByIPAddr(IPAddr : String;var MacName:String): Boolean; var SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn; HostEnt: PHostEnt; WSAData: TWSAData; begin Result := False; if IpAddr = '''' then exit; try WSAStartup(2, WSAData); SockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr := inet_addr(PChar(IPAddr)); HostEnt := gethostbyaddr(@SockAddrIn.sin_addr.S_addr, 4, AF_INET); if HostEnt <> nil then MacName := StrPas(Hostent^.h_name); Result := True; finally WSACleanup; end; end; Top 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:52:00 得分:0 {================================================================= 功 能: 返回网络中SQLServer列表 参 数: List: 需要填充的List 返回值: 成功: True,并填充List 失败 False 备 注: 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/02 22:44:00 =================================================================} Function TPub.NetGetSQLServerList(var List: Tstringlist): boolean; var i: integer; SQLServer: Variant; ServerList: Variant; begin Result := False; List.Clear; try SQLServer := CreateOleObject(''SQLDMO.Application''); ServerList := SQLServer.ListAvailableSQLServers; for i := 1 to Serverlist.Count do list.Add (Serverlist.item(i)); Result := True; Finally SQLServer := NULL; ServerList := NULL; end; end; {================================================================= 功 能: 判断Ip协议有没有安装 参 数: 无 返回值: 成功: True 失败: False; 备 注: 该函数还有问题 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/02 21:05:00 =================================================================} Function TPub.NetIsIPInstalled : boolean; var WSData: TWSAData; ProtoEnt: PProtoEnt; begin Result := True; try if WSAStartup(2,WSData) = 0 then begin ProtoEnt := GetProtoByName(''IP''); if ProtoEnt = nil then Result := False end; finally WSACleanup; end; end; {================================================================= 功 能: 返回网络中的共享资源 参 数: IpAddr: 机器Ip List: 需要填充的List 返回值: 成功: True,并填充List 失败: False; 备 注: WNetOpenEnum function starts an enumeration of network resources or existing connections. WNetEnumResource function continues a network-resource enumeration started by the WNetOpenEnum function. 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/03 07:30:00 =================================================================} Function TPub.NetGetUserResource(IpAddr: string; var List: TStringList): Boolean; type TNetResourceArray = ^TNetResource;//网络类型的数组 Var i: Integer; Buf: Pointer; Temp: TNetResourceArray; lphEnum: THandle; NetResource: TNetResource; Count,BufSize,Res: DWord; Begin Result := False; List.Clear; if copy(Ipaddr,0,2) <> ''\\'' then IpAddr := ''\\''+IpAddr; //填充Ip地址信息 FillChar(NetResource, SizeOf(NetResource), 0);//初始化网络层次信息 NetResource.lpRemoteName := @IpAddr[1];//指定计算机名称 //获取指定计算机的网络资源句柄 Res := WNetOpenEnum( RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_ANY, RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE, @NetResource,lphEnum); if Res <> NO_ERROR then exit;//执行失败 while True do//列举指定工作组的网络资源 begin Count := $FFFFFFFF;//不限资源数目 BufSize := 8192;//缓冲区大小设置为8K GetMem(Buf, BufSize);//申请内存,用于获取工作组信息 //获取指定计算机的网络资源名称 Res := WNetEnumResource(lphEnum, Count, Pointer(Buf), BufSize); if Res = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS then break;//资源列举完毕 if (Res <> NO_ERROR) then Exit;//执行失败 Temp := TNetResourceArray(Buf); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin //获取指定计算机中的共享资源名称,+2表示删除"\\", //如\\ => List.Add(Temp^.lpRemoteName + 2); Inc(Temp); end; end; Res := WNetCloseEnum(lphEnum);//关闭一次列举 if Res <> NO_ERROR then exit;//执行失败 Result := True; FreeMem(Buf); End; {================================================================= 功 能: 返回网络中的工作组 参 数: List: 需要填充的List 返回值: 成功: True,并填充List 失败: False; 备 注: 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/03 08:00:00 =================================================================} Top 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:52:56 得分:0 Function TPub.NetGetGroupList( var List : TStringList ) : Boolean; type TNetResourceArray = ^TNetResource;//网络类型的数组 Var NetResource: TNetResource; Buf: Pointer; Count,BufSize,Res: DWORD; lphEnum: THandle; p: TNetResourceArray; i,j: SmallInt; NetworkTypeList: TList; Begin Result := False; NetworkTypeList := TList.Create; List.Clear; //获取整个网络中的文件资源的句柄,lphEnum为返回名柄 Res := WNetOpenEnum( RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_DISK, RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER, Nil,lphEnum); if Res <> NO_ERROR then exit;//Raise Exception(Res);//执行失败 //获取整个网络中的网络类型信息 Count := $FFFFFFFF;//不限资源数目 BufSize := 8192;//缓冲区大小设置为8K GetMem(Buf, BufSize);//申请内存,用于获取工作组信息 Res := WNetEnumResource(lphEnum, Count, Pointer(Buf), BufSize); //资源列举完毕 //执行失败 if ( Res = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) or (Res <> NO_ERROR ) then Exit; P := TNetResourceArray(Buf); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do//记录各个网络类型的信息 begin NetworkTypeList.Add(p); Inc(P); end; Res := WNetCloseEnum(lphEnum);//关闭一次列举 if Res <> NO_ERROR then exit; for j := 0 to NetworkTypeList.Count-1 do //列出各个网络类型中的所有工作组名称 begin//列出一个网络类型中的所有工作组名称 NetResource := TNetResource(NetworkTypeList.Items[J]^);//网络类型信息 //获取某个网络类型的文件资源的句柄,NetResource为网络类型信息,lphEnum为返回名柄 Res := WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_DISK, RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER, @NetResource,lphEnum); if Res <> NO_ERROR then break;//执行失败 while true do//列举一个网络类型的所有工作组的信息 begin Count := $FFFFFFFF;//不限资源数目 BufSize := 8192;//缓冲区大小设置为8K GetMem(Buf, BufSize);//申请内存,用于获取工作组信息 //获取一个网络类型的文件资源信息, Res := WNetEnumResource(lphEnum, Count, Pointer(Buf), BufSize); //资源列举完毕 //执行失败 if ( Res = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) or (Res <> NO_ERROR) then break; P := TNetResourceArray(Buf); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do//列举各个工作组的信息 begin List.Add( StrPAS( P^.lpRemoteName ));//取得一个工作组的名称 Inc(P); end; end; Res := WNetCloseEnum(lphEnum);//关闭一次列举 if Res <> NO_ERROR then break;//执行失败 end; Result := True; FreeMem(Buf); NetworkTypeList.Destroy; End; {================================================================= 功 能: 列举工作组中所有的计算机 参 数: List: 需要填充的List 返回值: 成功: True,并填充List 失败: False; 备 注: 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/03 08:00:00 =================================================================} Function TPub.NetGetUsers(GroupName: string; var List: TStringList): Boolean; type TNetResourceArray = ^TNetResource;//网络类型的数组 Var i: Integer; Buf: Pointer; Temp: TNetResourceArray; lphEnum: THandle; NetResource: TNetResource; Count,BufSize,Res: DWord; begin Result := False; List.Clear; FillChar(NetResource, SizeOf(NetResource), 0);//初始化网络层次信息 NetResource.lpRemoteName := @GroupName[1];//指定工作组名称 NetResource.dwDisplayType := RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER;//类型为服务器(工作组) NetResource.dwUsage := RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER; NetResource.dwScope := RESOURCETYPE_DISK;//列举文件资源信息 //获取指定工作组的网络资源句柄 Res := WNetOpenEnum( RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_DISK, RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER, @NetResource,lphEnum); if Res <> NO_ERROR then Exit; //执行失败 while True do//列举指定工作组的网络资源 begin Count := $FFFFFFFF;//不限资源数目 BufSize := 8192;//缓冲区大小设置为8K GetMem(Buf, BufSize);//申请内存,用于获取工作组信息 //获取计算机名称 Res := WNetEnumResource(lphEnum, Count, Pointer(Buf), BufSize); if Res = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS then break;//资源列举完毕 if (Res <> NO_ERROR) then Exit;//执行失败 Temp := TNetResourceArray(Buf); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do//列举工作组的计算机名称 begin //获取工作组的计算机名称,+2表示删除"\\",如\\wangfajun=>wangfajun List.Add(Temp^.lpRemoteName + 2); inc(Temp); end; end; Res := WNetCloseEnum(lphEnum);//关闭一次列举 if Res <> NO_ERROR then exit;//执行失败 Result := True; FreeMem(Buf); end; {================================================================= 功 能: 列举所有网络类型 参 数: List: 需要填充的List 返回值: 成功: True,并填充List 失败: False; 备 注: 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/03 08:54:00 =================================================================} Function TPub.NetGetNetList(var List: Tstringlist): Boolean; type TNetResourceArray = ^TNetResource;//网络类型的数组 Var p: TNetResourceArray; Buf: Pointer; i: SmallInt; lphEnum: THandle; NetResource: TNetResource; Count,BufSize,Res: DWORD; begin Result := False; List.Clear; Res := WNetOpenEnum( RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_DISK, RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER, Nil,lphEnum); if Res <> NO_ERROR then exit;//执行失败 Count := $FFFFFFFF;//不限资源数目 BufSize := 8192;//缓冲区大小设置为8K GetMem(Buf, BufSize);//申请内存,用于获取工作组信息 Res := WNetEnumResource(lphEnum, Count, Pointer(Buf), BufSize);//获取网络类型信息 //资源列举完毕 //执行失败 if ( Res = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) or (Res <> NO_ERROR ) then Exit; P := TNetResourceArray(Buf); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do//记录各个网络类型的信息 begin List.Add(p^.lpRemoteName); Inc(P); end; Res := WNetCloseEnum(lphEnum); //关闭一次列举 if Res <> NO_ERROR then exit; //执行失败 Result := True; FreeMem(Buf); //释放内存 end; {================================================================= 功 能: 映射网络驱动器 参 数: NetPath: 想要映射的网络路径 Password: 访问密码 Localpath 本地路径 返回值: 成功: True 失败: False; 备 注: 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/03 09:24:00 =================================================================} Function TPub.NetAddConnection(NetPath: Pchar; PassWord: Pchar ;LocalPath: Pchar): Boolean; var Res: Dword; begin Result := False; Res := WNetAddConnection(NetPath,Password,LocalPath); if Res <> No_Error then exit; Result := True; end; {================================================================= 功 能: 检测网络状态 参 数: IpAddr: 被测试网络上主机的IP地址或名称,建议使用Ip 返回值: 成功: True 失败: False; 备 注: 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/03 09:40:00 =================================================================} Top 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:53:16 得分:0 Function TPub.NetCheckNet(IpAddr: string): Boolean; type PIPOptionInformation = ^TIPOptionInformation; TIPOptionInformation = packed record TTL: Byte; // Time To Live (used for traceroute) TOS: Byte; // Type Of Service (usually 0) Flags: Byte; // IP header flags (usually 0) OptionsSize: Byte; // Size of options data (usually 0, max 40) OptionsData: PChar; // Options data buffer end; PIcmpEchoReply = ^TIcmpEchoReply; TIcmpEchoReply = packed record Address: DWord; // replying address Status: DWord; // IP status value (see below) RTT: DWord; // Round Trip Time in milliseconds DataSize: Word; // reply data size Reserved: Word; Data: Pointer; // pointer to reply data buffer Options: TIPOptionInformation; // reply options end; TIcmpCreateFile = function: THandle; stdcall; TIcmpCloseHandle = function(IcmpHandle: THandle): Boolean; stdcall; TIcmpSendEcho = function( IcmpHandle: THandle; DestinationAddress: DWord; RequestData: Pointer; RequestSize: Word; RequestOptions: PIPOptionInformation; ReplyBuffer: Pointer; ReplySize: DWord; Timeout: DWord ): DWord; stdcall; const Size = 32; TimeOut = 1000; var wsadata: TWSAData; Address: DWord; // Address of host to contact HostName, HostIP: String; // Name and dotted IP of host to contact Phe: PHostEnt; // HostEntry buffer for name lookup BufferSize, nPkts: Integer; pReqData, pData: Pointer; pIPE: PIcmpEchoReply; // ICMP Echo reply buffer IPOpt: TIPOptionInformation; // IP Options for packet to send const IcmpDLL = ''icmp.dll''; var hICMPlib: HModule; IcmpCreateFile : TIcmpCreateFile; IcmpCloseHandle: TIcmpCloseHandle; IcmpSendEcho: TIcmpSendEcho; hICMP: THandle; // Handle for the ICMP Calls begin // initialise winsock Result:=True; if WSAStartup(2,wsadata) <> 0 then begin Result:=False; halt; end; // register the icmp.dll stuff hICMPlib := loadlibrary(icmpDLL); if hICMPlib <> null then begin @ICMPCreateFile := GetProcAddress(hICMPlib, ''IcmpCreateFile''); @IcmpCloseHandle:= GetProcAddress(hICMPlib, ''IcmpCloseHandle''); @IcmpSendEcho:= GetProcAddress(hICMPlib, ''IcmpSendEcho''); if (@ICMPCreateFile = Nil) or (@IcmpCloseHandle = Nil) or (@IcmpSendEcho = Nil) then begin Result:=False; halt; end; hICMP := IcmpCreateFile; if hICMP = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin Result:=False; halt; end; end else begin Result:=False; halt; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------ Address := inet_addr(PChar(IpAddr)); if (Address = INADDR_NONE) then begin Phe := GetHostByName(PChar(IpAddr)); if Phe = Nil then Result:=False else begin Address := longint(plongint(Phe^.h_addr_list^)^); HostName := Phe^.h_name; HostIP := StrPas(inet_ntoa(TInAddr(Address))); end; end else begin Phe := GetHostByAddr(@Address, 4, PF_INET); if Phe = Nil then Result:=False; end; if Address = INADDR_NONE then begin Result:=False; end; // Get some data buffer space and put something in the packet to send BufferSize := SizeOf(TICMPEchoReply) + Size; GetMem(pReqData, Size); GetMem(pData, Size); GetMem(pIPE, BufferSize); FillChar(pReqData^, Size, $AA); pIPE^.Data := pData; // Finally Send the packet FillChar(IPOpt, SizeOf(IPOpt), 0); IPOpt.TTL := 64; NPkts := IcmpSendEcho(hICMP, Address, pReqData, Size, @IPOpt, pIPE, BufferSize, TimeOut); if NPkts = 0 then Result:=False; // Free those buffers FreeMem(pIPE); FreeMem(pData); FreeMem(pReqData); // -------------------------------------------------------------- IcmpCloseHandle(hICMP); FreeLibrary(hICMPlib); // free winsock if WSACleanup <> 0 then Result:=False; end; Top 回复人: huojiehai(海天子) ( ) 信誉:121 2003-4-13 22:53:42 得分:0 {================================================================= 功 能: 检测计算机是否上网 参 数: 无 返回值: 成功: True 失败: False; 备 注: uses Wininet 版 本: 1.0 2002/10/07 13:33:00 =================================================================} function TPub.NetInternetConnected: Boolean; const // local system uses a modem to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM = 1; // local system uses a local area network to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN = 2; // local system uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY = 4; // local system''s modem is busy with a non-Internet connection. INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM_BUSY = 8; var dwConnectionTypes : DWORD; begin dwConnectionTypes := INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN+INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM +INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY; //Result := InternetGetConnectedState(@dwConnectionTypes, 1); Result := InternetGetConnectedState(@dwConnectionTypes, 0); end; {等待窗口起} procedure TPub.ProcessTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var aForm: TForm; pr: TFlatProgressBar; lb: TLabel; aStr: String; begin aForm := TForm(TControl(Sender).Owner); TLabel(aForm.FindComponent(''Label3'')).Caption := TimeToStr(Now); lb := TLabel(aForm.FindComponent(''Label2'')); lb.Caption := aForm.Caption; aStr := lb.Caption; if length(aStr) > 50 then lb.Caption := Copy(aStr, 1, 20) + ''...'' + Copy(aStr, Length(aStr) - 30, 31); lb.Left := aForm.Width div 2 - lb.Width div 2; pr := TFlatProgressBar(aForm.FindComponent(''FlatProgressBar1'')); if pr = nil then exit; pr.StepIt; if pr.Position = 100 then pr.Position := 0; end; function TPub.FormCreateProcessFrm(MsgTitle: string): TForm; var Panel1, Panel2: TPanel; Label1, Label2, Label3: TLabel; FlatProgressBar1: TFlatProgressBar; Timer1: TTimer; begin Result := TForm.Create(Application); Result.Left := 192; Result.Top := 185; Result.BorderStyle := bsNone; Result.ClientHeight := 105; Result.ClientWidth := 392; Result.Color := $00D9FFD9; {$IFDEF DELPHI6} Result.Color := clMoneyGreen; {$ENDIF} Result.Font.Charset := GB2312_CHARSET; Result.Font.Color := clBlue; Result.Font.Height := -16; Result.Font.Name := ''宋体''; Result.Font.Style := []; Result.OldCreateOrder := False; Result.Position := poDesktopCenter; Result.PixelsPerInch := 96; {上面的控件} Panel1 := TPanel.Create(Result); Panel1.Align := alClient; Panel1.ParentColor := True; Panel1.TabOrder := 0; Panel1.Parent := Result; Panel1.Caption := ''''; Panel2 := TPanel.Create(Result); Panel2.Name := ''Panel2''; Panel2.Align := alClient; Panel2.BevelOuter := bvLowered; Panel2.ParentColor := True; Panel2.TabOrder := 0; Panel2.Parent := Panel1; Panel2.Caption := ''''; Label2 := TLabel.Create(Result); Label2.Name := ''Label2''; Label2.Alignment := taCenter; Label2.Left := 136; Label2.Top := 37; Label2.Width := 7; Label2.Height := 14; Label2.Font.Charset := GB2312_CHARSET; Label2.Font.Color := clOlive; Label2.Font.Height := -14; Label2.Font.Name := ''宋体''; Label2.Font.Style := []; Label2.ParentFont := False; Label2.Parent := Panel2; Label2.Caption := ''''; Label1 := TLabel.Create(Result); Label1.Name := ''Label1''; Label1.Left := 104; Label1.Top := 15; Label1.Width := 152; Label1.Height := 16; Label1.Caption := MsgTitle;//''正在处理,请稍候...''; Label1.Transparent := True; Label1.Parent := Panel2; FlatProgressBar1 := TFlatProgressBar.Create(Result); FlatProgressBar1.Parent := Panel2; FlatProgressBar1.Name := ''FlatProgressBar1''; FlatProgressBar1.Left := 16; FlatProgressBar1.Top := 58; FlatProgressBar1.Width := 363; FlatProgressBar1.Height := 23; FlatProgressBar1.Color := 15532031; FlatProgressBar1.ColorElement := clPurple; FlatProgressBar1.ColorBorder := clGreen; FlatProgressBar1.ParentColor := False; FlatProgressBar1.Min := 0; FlatProgressBar1.Max := 100; FlatProgressBar1.Position := 5; FlatProgressBar1.Step := 5; Label3 := TLabel.Create(Result); Label3.Name := ''Label3''; Label3.Left := 311; Label3.Top := 85; Label3.Width := 7; Label3.Height := 14; Label3.Font.Charset := GB2312_CHARSET; Label3.Font.Color := clRed; Label3.Font.Height := -14; Label3.Font.Name := ''宋体''; Label3.Font.Style := []; Label3.ParentFont := False; Label3.Parent := Panel2; Label3.Caption := ''''; Timer1 := TTimer.Create(Result); Timer1.Interval := 100; Timer1.OnTimer := ProcessTimer1Timer; end; {等待窗口止} procedure TPub.ConFree(aCon: TWinControl); var lp: integer; begin for lp := aCon.ComponentCount - 1 Downto 0 do aCon.Components[lp].Free; end; function TPub.CheckMailAddress(Text: string): boolean; var Index: integer; lp: integer; begin Result := false; if ((length(trim(Text)) > 20) or (Pos(''.'', Text) < 4)) or (Pos(''.HTM'', UpperCase(Text)) > 0) or (Pos(''.HTML'', UpperCase(Text)) > 0) or (Pos(''.ASP'', UpperCase(Text)) > 0) or (Pos(''.JSP'', UpperCase(Text)) > 0) then exit; for lp := 1 to length(Text) do if (Ord(Text[lp]) > $80) and (Text[lp] <> ''@'') then exit; if (Pos(''.'', Text) < Pos(''@'', Text) + 1) then exit; Index := Pos(''@'', Text); if (Index < 2) or (Index >= Length(Text)) then exit; Result := true; end; function TPub.PathExeDir(FileName: string): string; begin Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + FileName; end; initialization Pub := TPub.Create; finalization Pub.Free; end. |
评论摘要(共 0 条,得分 0 分,平均 0 分)