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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2009-03-16 19:36:21


#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop

#include "sendmail.h"
#include "mmsystem.h"

#pragma package(smart_init)

struct RecvEmailInfo
    AnsiString     strSubject, strFrom, strTo, strContent, strCmdDate, strCmdNum;
    int            nRecNum, nSendCount;
    TList         *AttachList;

struct AttachInfo
    AnsiString     FileName;
    int            Length;
    BYTE          *Content;
__fastcall TSendMailThread::TSendMailThread(bool CreateSuspended,int sleeptime )
 : TThread(CreateSuspended)
 Ftime           = sleeptime;
    FreeOnTerminate = true;
    nSendFlag       = -1;
    nCommandKind    = 0;
    strBoundary     = "----Mailor_of_qurqur.China----";

    RecvEmailList= new TList;

    /*TMemoryStream *ms = new TMemoryStream();
    ms->LoadFromFile( "d:\test.txt" );
    RecvEmailInfo * pREI;
    AttachInfo * pAI;
    for( int i = 0; i < 5; i ++ )
        pAI = new AttachInfo;
        pREI = new RecvEmailInfo;
        pAI->FileName = "test.txt";
        pAI->Length   = ms->Size;
        pAI->Content = new BYTE[ ms->Size ];
        ms->Position = 0;
        ms->ReadBuffer( pAI->Content, ms->Size );
        pREI->AttachList = new TList;
        pREI->AttachList->Add( pAI );
        pREI->strSubject = "humor";
        pREI->strFrom = "qurqur@163.net";
        pREI->strTo   = "qurqur@163.net;
        pREI->strContent = "test";
        pREI->nSendCount = 5;
        RecvEmailList->Add( pREI );
    delete ms;*/
void __fastcall TSendMailThread::Execute()
    WORD wVersionRequested;
    WSADATA wsaData;
    int err;

    wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 );

    err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData );
    if ( err != 0 )
        // Tell the user that we could not find a usable WinSock DLL.
    if ( LOBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 2 HIBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 2 )
        // Tell the user that we could not find a usable WinSock DLL.
        WSACleanup( );
 while( !Terminated )
        if( !bCanSendEmail )
            Sleep( Ftime );
        Sleep( 10 );
int __fastcall TSendMailThread::InitSocket()
    smtpclient = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
    if( smtpclient == INVALID_SOCKET )
        return -1;
    HOSTENT* hostinfo = gethostbyname( strSMTPServer.c_str() );
    if( hostinfo == NULL )
        return -1;

    struct sockaddr_in server;
    server.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server.sin_port = htons( nSMTPPort );
    memcpy( &server.sin_addr, *hostinfo->h_addr_list, sizeof( server.sin_addr ) );
    int rval = connect( smtpclient, ( struct sockaddr* )&server, sizeof( server ) );
    if( rval == SOCKET_ERROR )
       // rval = WSAGetLastError();
        return -1;
    return 0;
void __fastcall TSendMailThread::SendDeal()
    unsigned int new_time;
    char aa[ 8200 ];
    int err, len;
    switch( nSendFlag )
    case -1 :
       if( HaveEmail() )
           err = InitSocket();
           if( err == -1 )
               nSendFlag = 1;

              strcpy( buf, "error" );

              nCommandKind = 9;

               strBeginTime = Now().FormatString( "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" );
               nSendFlag = 0;
               nCommandKind = 0;
    case 0 :
        len = recv( smtpclient, buf, 8192, 0 );
        if( len == SOCKET_ERROR )//err
            nSendFlag = 1;

            nCommandKind = 9;

        buf[ len ] = 0;
        nSendFlag = 1;
    case 1 :
        switch( nCommandKind )
        case 0 :
            if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "220" ) != 0 )
                strcpy( buf, "helo " );
                strcat( buf, strSMTPServer.c_str() );
                strcat( buf, "" );
                if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )

                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );

                nSendFlag = 0;
                nCommandKind = 2;
                                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );;
        case 2 ://受到HELO应答,身份验证
            if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "250" ) != 0 )
                strcpy( buf, "auth login" );
                strcat( buf, "" );
                if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );
                nSendFlag = 0;
                nCommandKind = 3;
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );
        case 3 ://收到应答 用户名
           if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "334" ) != 0 )
               strcpy( buf, Encode_Name.c_str() );
               strcat( buf, "" );
               if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );
               nSendFlag = 0;
               nCommandKind = 4;
              strcpy( buf, "mail from: " );
              strcat( buf, FromAddress.c_str() );
              strcat( buf, "" );
              if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );

              nSendFlag = 0;
              nCommandKind = 6;//no auth
        case 4 ://受到应答 密码
            if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "334" ) != 0 )
                strcpy( buf, Encode_Key.c_str() );
                strcat( buf, "" );
                if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                    break;
                nSendFlag = 0;
                nCommandKind = 5;
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );
        case 5 ://应答  MAIL FROM
            if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "235" ) != 0 )
                strcpy( buf, "mail from: " );
                strcat( buf, FromAddress.c_str() );
                strcat( buf, "" );
                if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                    break;
                nSendFlag = 0;
                nCommandKind = 6;
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );
        case 6 ://应答  RCPT TO
            if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "250" ) != 0 )
                strcpy( buf, "rcpt to: " );
                strcat( buf, recv_temp->strTo.c_str() );
                strcat( buf, "" );
                if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                    break;
                nSendFlag = 0;
                nCommandKind = 7;
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );
        case 7 ://应答  DATA
            if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "250" )!=0 )
                strcpy( buf, "data" );
                strcat( buf, "" );
                if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                    break;
                nSendFlag = 0;
                nCommandKind = 8;
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );
        case 8 ://应答  内容
            if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "354" )!=0 )
                strcpy( buf, "Date: " );
                strcat( buf, FormatDateTime( "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss", Now() ).c_str() );
                strcat( buf, "Subject: " );
                strcat( buf, recv_temp->strSubject.c_str() );
                strcat( buf, "From: " );
                strcat( buf, recv_temp->strFrom.c_str() );
                strcat( buf, "To: " );
                strcat( buf, recv_temp->strTo.c_str() );
                strcat( buf, "" );
                if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                    break;
                if( recv_temp->AttachList != NULL && recv_temp->AttachList->Count > 0 )
                    strcpy( buf, "MIME-Version: 1.0" );
                    strcat( buf, "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;" );
                    strcat( buf, "boundary="" );
                    strcat( buf, strBoundary.c_str() );
                    strcat( buf, """ );//space line
                    strcat( buf, "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." );//space line
                    strcat( buf, ( "--" + strBoundary + "" ).c_str() );
                    strcat( buf, "Content-Type: text/plain;charset="gb2312"" );
                    strcat( buf, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" );//space line
                    if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                        break;
                    if( SendMailText() == -1 )//发送邮件正文失败
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                        break;
                    if( SendAttach() == -1 )//发送邮件附件失败
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                        break;
                    strcpy( buf, ( "--" + strBoundary + "--" ).c_str() );
                    if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                        break;
                    if( SendMailText() == -1 )//发送邮件正文失败
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                        break;
                strcpy( buf, ".");
                if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );                    break;
                nSendFlag = 0;
                nCommandKind = 9;
                    nCommandKind = 9;

                    strcpy( buf, "error" );            }
        case 9 ://应答 quit
            if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "250" ) != 0 )
                Fsuccess = 0;
                strEndTime = Now().FormatString( "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" );
                if( HaveEmail() )
                    strBeginTime = Now().FormatString( "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" );
                    strcpy( buf, "mail from: " );
                    strcat( buf, FromAddress.c_str() );
                    strcat( buf, "" );
                    if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                        closesocket( smtpclient );
                        nSendFlag = -1;
                    nSendFlag = 0;
                    nCommandKind = 6;
                    strcpy( buf, "quit" );
                    if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                        closesocket( smtpclient );
                        nSendFlag = -1;
                    nSendFlag = 0;
                    nCommandKind = 10;
                Fsuccess = 1;
                closesocket( smtpclient );
                nSendFlag = -1;
                Sleep( Ftime );
        case 10 ://应答
            if( AnsiString( buf ).AnsiPos( "221" ) != 0 )
            Sleep( Ftime );
            nSendFlag = -1;
bool __fastcall TSendMailThread::HaveEmail()
         if( RecvEmailList->Count == 0 )
                  return false;
            recv_temp = ( RecvEmailInfo* )RecvEmailList->Items[ 0 ];
            RecvEmailList->Delete( 0 );
            return true;
    return false;
int __fastcall TSendMailThread::SendMailText()
    int pos, len;
    AnsiString strContent;
    while( ( pos = recv_temp->strContent.AnsiPos( "" ) ) != 0 )
        len = recv_temp->strContent.Length();
        strContent += recv_temp->strContent.SubString( 1, pos );
        pos ++;
        if( recv_temp->strContent[ pos ] != '' )
           strContent += "";
        recv_temp->strContent = recv_temp->strContent.SubString( pos, len - pos + 1 );
    strContent += recv_temp->strContent + "";
    while( ( pos = strContent.AnsiPos( "." ) ) != 0 )
        strContent = strContent.Insert( ".", pos + 2 );
    len = 8192;
    AnsiString strSend;
    while( len <= strContent.Length() )
        strSend = strContent.SubString( 1, len );
        strContent = strContent.SubString( len + 1, strContent.Length() - pos );
        if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, strSend.c_str(), strSend.Length(), 0 ) )
            return -1;
    len = strContent.Length();
    if( len > 0 )
        if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, strContent.c_str(), len, 0 ) )
            return -1;
    return 0;
int __fastcall TSendMailThread::SendAttach()
    if( recv_temp->AttachList == NULL )
        return 0;
    TList* List = recv_temp->AttachList;
    AttachInfo *pAI;
    int         len, last;
    char       *chBuf;
    for( int i = 0; i < List->Count; i++ )
        pAI = ( AttachInfo* )List->Items[ i ];
        if( pAI != NULL )
            strcpy( buf, ( "--" + strBoundary + "" ).c_str() );
            strcat( buf, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" );
            strcat( buf, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" );
            strcat( buf, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" );
            if( pAI->FileName == "" )
                pAI->FileName = "attach" + AnsiString( i );
            strcat( buf, ( pAI->FileName + """ ).c_str() );
            if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                return -1;
            len = pAI->Length * 4 / 3 + 10;
            chBuf = new char[ len ];
            Encode_base64( pAI->Content, pAI->Length, chBuf, len );
            last = 0;
            while( len - last >= 76 )//78bytes per line
                memcpy( buf, chBuf + last, 76 );
                last += 76;
                buf[ 76 ] = '';
                buf[ 77 ] = '';
                buf[ 78 ] = 0;
                if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                    return -1;
            memcpy( buf, chBuf + last, len - last );
            buf[ len - last ] = '';
            buf[ len - last + 1 ] = '';
            buf[ len - last + 2 ] = 0;
            if( SOCKET_ERROR == send( smtpclient, buf, strlen( buf ), 0 ) )
                return -1;
            delete [] chBuf;
    return 0;
void __fastcall TSendMailThread::RecvResult()
    int Num = recv_temp->nSendCount - 1;
    if( Fsuccess == 0 Num == 0 )
        Synchronize( SaveSend );
        if( recv_temp->AttachList != NULL )
            AttachInfo* pAI;
            while( recv_temp->AttachList->Count > 0 )
                pAI = ( AttachInfo* )recv_temp->AttachList->Items[ 0 ];
                if( pAI != NULL )
                    delete [] pAI->Content;
                    delete pAI;
            delete recv_temp->AttachList;
        delete recv_temp;
        recv_temp = NULL;
        Synchronize( Refresh );
        recv_temp->nSendCount = Num;
        RecvEmailList->Add( recv_temp );


#ifndef sendmailH
#define sendmailH
#include <Classes.hpp>

struct RecvEmailInfo;
struct AttachInfo;

class TSendMailThread : public TThread
 int                Ftime;     //休眠时间
    int                nRecNum;
    TMemoryStream     *SendBuf;
    AnsiString         strBeginTime, strEndTime, strBoundary;
    AnsiString         strSubject, strFrom, strTo, strContent, strCmdDate, strCmdNum;
    RecvEmailInfo     *recv_temp;
    BYTE               Fsuccess;//=0成功;=1失败;=2未发
    SOCKET             smtpclient;
    char               buf[ 8200 ];
    int                nCommandKind;
    int                nSendFlag;

    TList *RecvEmailList;

    int  __fastcall InitSocket();
    void __fastcall SaveSend();
    void __fastcall SendDeal();
    void __fastcall DealWait();
    void __fastcall RecvResult();
    void __fastcall Refresh();
    bool __fastcall HaveEmail();
    int  __fastcall SendMailText();
    int  __fastcall SendAttach();
 void __fastcall Execute();
 __fastcall TSendMailThread(bool CreateSuspended,int sleeptime );





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