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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2009-03-16 15:55:51
namespace mySmtp

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;

    interface ITransport
        void setHost(String smtpHost);
        String getHost();
        void setPort(int smtpPort);
        int getPort();
        void sendMail(MailMessage msg);

    public class Smtp : ITransport
        private String smtpHost;
        private int smtpPort;
        public Smtp()
            //smtpHost = "";
            //smtpPort = 25;
        public Smtp(String host, int port)
            smtpHost = host;
            smtpPort = port;
        public void setHost(String host)
            smtpHost = host;
        public String getHost()
            return smtpHost;
        public void setPort(int port)
            smtpPort = port;
        public int getPort()
            return smtpPort;    

        public void sendMail(MailMessage msg)
            TcpClient tcpc = new TcpClient();

                if (smtpHost != null && smtpPort != 0)
                    tcpc.Connect(smtpHost, smtpPort);
                    tcpc.ReceiveTimeout= 20;
                    tcpc.SendTimeout = 20;
                    throw new SmtpException("Cannot use sendMail() method without specifying target host and port");
                NetworkStream nwstream = tcpc.GetStream();
                checkForError(ReadFromStream(ref nwstream), SmtpConstants.HELO_REPLY);

                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "HELO " + smtpHost);
                checkForError(ReadFromStream(ref nwstream), SmtpConstants.OK);

                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "MAIL FROM: <" + msg.getFrom().getAddress() + ">");
                checkForError(ReadFromStream(ref nwstream), SmtpConstants.OK);

                sendRecipientList(ref nwstream, msg.getTo());
                sendRecipientList(ref nwstream, msg.getCC());
                sendRecipientList(ref nwstream, msg.getBCC());

                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "DATA");
                checkForError(ReadFromStream(ref nwstream), SmtpConstants.START_INPUT);

                if (msg.getReplyTo() != null)
                    WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "Reply-To: " + msg.getReplyTo().getPersonal() + "<" + msg.getReplyTo().getAddress() + ">;");
                if (msg.getFrom() != null)
                    WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "From: " + msg.getFrom().getPersonal() + "<" + msg.getFrom().getAddress() + ">;");
                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "Subject: " + msg.getSubject());
                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "To: " + createAddressList(msg.getTo()));
                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "CC: " + createAddressList(msg.getCC()));

                if (msg.getPriority() != null)
                    WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "X-Priority: " + msg.getPriority());
                //WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "Return-Path:" + msg.getFrom().getAddress());

                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, msg.getBody());
                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "\r\n.\r\n");
                checkForError(ReadFromStream(ref nwstream), SmtpConstants.OK);

                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "QUIT");
                checkForError(ReadFromStream(ref nwstream), SmtpConstants.UNKNOWN);

            catch(SocketException e)

                throw new SmtpException("Cannot connect to specified smtp host(" + smtpHost + ":" + smtpPort + ").", e);

                private String createAddressList(ArrayList msgList)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (IEnumerator i = msgList.GetEnumerator(); i.MoveNext();)
                Address a = (Address)i.Current;
                string address = a.getPersonal() + "<" + a.getAddress() + ">;";
                sb.Append(a.getPersonal() + "<" + a.getAddress() + ">;");
            return sb.ToString();
        private void sendRecipientList(ref NetworkStream nwstream, ArrayList recipients)
                    for (IEnumerator i = recipients.GetEnumerator();i.MoveNext();)
                Address recipient = (Address)i.Current;
                String address = recipient.getAddress();

                // potential 501 error (not valid sender) below:
                WriteToStream(ref nwstream, "RCPT TO: <" + address + ">");
                checkForError(ReadFromStream(ref nwstream), SmtpConstants.OK);

        private bool checkMailMessage(MailMessage message)
            String returnMessage = "Mail Message is missing ";
            if (message.getTo() == null)
                throw new SmtpException(returnMessage + "''To:'' field");
            else if(message.getFrom() == null)
                throw new SmtpException(returnMessage + "''From:'' field");
            else if(message.getSubject() == null)
                throw new SmtpException(returnMessage + "Subject");
            else if(message.getBody() == null)
                throw new SmtpException(returnMessage + "Body");
                return true;

                private void WriteToStream(ref NetworkStream nw, string line)
            string stringToSend = line + "\r\n";

            Byte[] arrToSend = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(stringToSend.ToCharArray());
            nw.Write(arrToSend, 0, arrToSend.Length);

        private String ReadFromStream(ref NetworkStream nw)
            byte[] readBuffer = new byte[512];
            int length = nw.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length);
            String returnMsg = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readBuffer, 0, length);

            return returnMsg;

         * Checks stream returned from SMTP server for success code
         * If the success code is not present it will throw an error.        
        private void checkForError(String s, String successCode)
            if (s.IndexOf(successCode) == -1)
                throw new SmtpException("ERROR - Expecting " + successCode + ". Recieved: " + s);





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