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Visual Studio Partners: Language Vendors

The Microsoft .NET Framework enables you to develop in any programming language. The following vendors are currently developing language compilers for use with the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET.  Several are available for download, so you can see how easy it is to use your favorite language and Visual Studio .NET to develop XML Web services, Web-based applications, and applications based on the Microsoft Windows® operating system.

A number of language vendors offer products in the following languages:
Select a vendor for more information on the company, its involvement with Microsoft .NET, and its products. [TR] [TD]Microsoft Research
The Microsoft Research, Cambridge lab conducts basic computer science research on a wide variety of topics, including programming languages and the implementation, machine learning, etc. The lab has made a variety of contributions to the .NET Framework design and implementation and is closely involved with the .NET development teams.

COBOL Vendors

New avenues are being opened for Windows developers with the integration of Fujitsu Fortran and Fujitsu COBOL into Visual Studio .NET. These products provide greater performance and dependability, and enable programmers to develop the latest in ASP .NET Web pages and XML Web services.

Component Pascal Vendors

Queensland University of Technology
The Programming Languages and Systems Research Centre at QUT has a history of research into the design and implementation of programming languages, particularly Pascal-like ones. Recently the centre has researched and developed a Component Pascal implementation for the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Dyalog APL Vendors

Dyadic Systems
Dyadic, a world leading developer of APL language products, has been partnering with Microsoft to build support for the Microsoft .NET Platform into its core product, Dyalog APL. Dyadic intends to ship a fully integrated version of Dyalog APL to coincide with the commercial release of the Microsoft .NET Platform.

Eiffel Vendors

Interactive Software Engineering
Interactive Software Engineering, Inc. (ISE) develops object-oriented software development environments and tools for building large-scale, high-performance systems. ISE has established itself as a leading provider of extensible software solutions for banking/finance, telecom, scientific, and a host of other application domains.

Fortran Vendors

New avenues are being opened for Windows developers with the integration of Fujitsu Fortran and Fujitsu COBOL into Visual Studio .NET. These products provide greater performance and dependability, and enable programmers to develop the latest in ASP .NET Web pages and XML Web services.
Salford Software
Salford Software Ltd was formed in 1988 to exploit the talents of the team that had been writing and supporting Fortran, Prolog, Lisp, and C/C++ compilers. Salford set the standard for development of scientific, mathematical, and engineering programs in the Windows environment.

Mercury Vendors

The University of Melbourne
The Mercury group in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at The University of Melbourne, Australia, is a group of researchers studying advanced programming language design and implementation, and working in particular on the programming language Mercury.

Mondrian Vendors

Massey University
The Mondrian Team is an international group of language researchers. The team is currently based in New Zealand with associates in the Netherlands and USA. The team is working on new functional languages specifically designed for interoperating in object-oriented environments.

Oberon Vendors

ETH Zentrum
ETH Zürich is one of the two leading technical universities in Switzerland. The Computer Systems Institute at ETH Zürich has a long tradition of programming language design. Oberon is the latest evolution along the Pascal language line and is also a participant in the .NET Academic Languages project.

Pascal Vendors

TMT Development Corp
The TMT Development Corporation specializes in i80x86 Pascal compilers that target OS/2, MS-DOS, and Windows 32-bit operating systems. The TMT Pascal compiler for .NET produces managed code for the .NET Framework, and can import any module conforming to CLS restrictions and produce any specification that fits into the CLS.

Perl Vendors

ActiveState is the leading provider of open source-based programming products and services for multi-environment development. With ActiveState''s integration of Perl, Python, and XSLT-and with more languages to come-developers will be able to choose the right language for any programming task without leaving Visual Studio .NET.

Python Vendors

ActiveState is the leading provider of open source-based programming products and services for multi-environment development. With ActiveState''s integration of Perl, Python, and XSLT-and with more languages to come-developers will be able to choose the right language for any programming task without leaving Visual Studio .NET.

RPG Vendors

ASNA supplies business programmers with the ability to quickly and easily incorporate their AS/400 systems into Windows, client/server, n-tier, and Web-based solutions. As part of ASNA''s commitment to provide its customers with state-of-the-art tools and systems, the company is integrating its award-winning Visual RPG and Caviar languages into Microsoft''s Visual Studio .NET.

Scheme Vendors

Northwestern University
Northwestern University''s computer science department is conducting research on programming languages and compilation techniques for advanced languages.

SmallTalk Vendors

QKS is a producer of advanced language and development tools, which it uses for its software systems consulting business. The company''s founding mission was to create agent technology; dynamic language virtual machines and language development systems specialized for supporting the needs of custom software development and deployment.

Standard ML Vendors




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