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Recruit Originality for Home Appliances, " Xingshi-Cup" Promotes Creative Trend

one inspiration=1000 Yuan?


A good product, not just comes from hands of designers, but also comes from requirements of consumers. If products are out of consumers’ usage, the design can only be abstract no matter how good it is. To meet views and requirements of consumers, Organizing Committee of "Xingshi-Cup" International Home Appliance and Consumer Electronic Products Innovation Design Competition will collect originalities from general consumers of household appliances.


Whether you have experience in home appliance design or understand the structure and operation of home appliances, and whether or not you are familiar with the situation of household electrical appliances industry ... ... as long as you believe that your originality can make home appliances more convenient, more fashionable and more energy-saving, you will have the opportunity to get " The award for originality"!

1、 参与方法:
1. How to Participate


Content of Works: Propose a creative thought and form a practical and feasible solution according to design, use, marketing and energy consumption problems of common home appliances or consumer electronic products, combining with their own situation and highlighting the personality and characteristics.


Recruiting Scheme : the works may involves originalities for home appliances of common consumers, imagines about improving the use of home appliances and  ideas of saving energy consumption of products – From a broad sense, the originalities may be on how to treat and deal with conflicts and contradictions between some technologies and daily applications, proposing a technological innovation or marketing innovation, etc. for manufacturers; in detail, originalities may be usual tips on the use of household electrical appliances and so on.

Form of Participation: Participants may log on the official website ( www.create-e.org.cn) to register before April 8,2009, and send works to the following mailbox: support@create-e.org.cn。 


Scope of Works: Design works of home appliance, originalities on usage of home appliance, originalities on improvement of home appliance, originalities on marketing of home appliance and originalities on energy preservation of home appliance.


Submission of works: Submit creative works by mail, and note "Originality from Consumer" on the title of the mail and write down contact information so as to notify after winning awards.


Requirements for Works: Originalities can be submitted in form of JPG (600 × 800), WORD documents, video, etc. The works must be original. Complete submission requires the name, type and description of originality ( including exposition about originality, practical significance of the originality on application or sale of household electric appliances, feasibility of implementation of originality, good influence after the implementation of originality, etc. ), other introductions ( any content to help describe and prove the creative energy-saving significance or effect ) and so on.

2、 奖项设置:
2. Awards Setting:


There are 10 winners of the Best Idea Award, who are awarded of RMB 1000 Yuan + a mysterious gift per person.

3、 评选标准:作品创意度+大赛专家评估+企业意见。
3. Evaluation criteria: Originality of works + Evaluation of the Contest Experts + Suggestion of Enterprise





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