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A Horizontal Percentage Gauge Class

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2009-03-16 20:16:05
  Dim sl_gauge
  Set sl_gauge = new Slgauge
  sl_gauge.BgColor = "#FFFFFF"
  sl_gauge.FgColor = "#990000"
  sl_gauge.Width = 78
  sl_gauge.Height = 5
  sl_gauge.MinVal = 0
  sl_gauge.MaxVal = 100
  sl_gauge.CurVal = iTestScore  ''87% in our example
<!-- Display the gauge -->
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
     <td><% = sl_gauge.RenderHtml %></td>

'' Handy class for displaying a horizontal percentage gauge.
class Slgauge
  '' Colors.
  public BgColor
  public FgColor

  '' Dimensions.
  public Width
  public Height

  '' Values.
  public MinVal
  public MaxVal
  public CurVal

  '' Render this into HTML as a table.
  function RenderHtml
      '' Normalize the properties.
      if MinVal > MaxVal then
          Dim temp_val
          temp_val = MinVal
          MinVal = MaxVal
          MaxVal = temp_val
      end if

      if CurVal < MinVal then
          CurVal = MinVal
      elseif CurVal > MaxVal then
          CurVal = MaxVal
      end if

      '' Figure out the percentage that the CurVal is
      '' within MinVal and MaxVal.
      Dim percentage_val
      percentage_val = (CurVal - MinVal) / (MaxVal - MinVal)

      '' Compute the first and second widths.
      Dim fg_width
      fg_width = Round(Width * percentage_val)
      Dim bg_width
      bg_width = Width - fg_width

      RenderHtml = "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=" & _
                   Width & " height=" & Height & ">" _
                   & "<tr>"
      if fg_width > 0 then
          RenderHtml = RenderHtml _
                      & "<td width=" & fg_width & " height=" & _
                      Height & " bgcolor=" & FgColor & _
                      "><img src=/demos/Images/" & _
      end if
      if bg_width > 0 then
          RenderHtml = RenderHtml _
                          & "<td width=" & bg_width & " height=" & _
                          Height & " bgcolor=" & BgColor & _
                          "><img src=/demos/Images/" & _
      end if
      RenderHtml = RenderHtml _
                      & "</tr>" _
                      & "</table>"
  end function
end class




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