防止ADO连接SQL Server时的隐式连接
防止ADO连接SQL Server时的隐式连接
Report Date: 2002/9 | Prepared by: 郑 昀 |
Article last modified on 2002-9 | |
The information in this article applies to: ü Microsoft SQL Server 2000,7.0 ü Microsoft ADO 2.5 |
数据库服务器:Microsoft SQL Server 2000以及7.0;
数据库服务器补丁:Microsoft SQL Server 2000 ServicePack1;
ADO名称:Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Type Library
cnn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;
Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;
Initial Catalog=freemail;Data Source=svr;ConnectionTimeout=10", "", "", -1
sql = "select * from users"
Set rs = cnn.Execute(sql)
Set rs2 = cnn.Execute(sql)
Set rs3 = cnn.Execute(sql)
执行这段代码时,在SQL Server Profiler中看到,每个sql语句执行之前都会有一个Audit Login事件。而Audit Login事件的解释是:“收集自跟踪启动后发生的所有新的连接事件,例如客户端请求连接到运行 Microsoft® SQL Server™ 实例的服务器”。也就是说,用Connection对象连接SQL Server之后,每次执行sql语句时仍然会重新建立一次连接,即使用的是同一个Connection?!
EventClass | Text Data |
TraceStart | |
Audit Login (第一次连接) | -- network protocol: LPC set quoted_identifier on set implicit_transactions off set cursor_close_on_commit off set ansi_warnings on set ansi_padding on set ansi_nulls on set concat_null_yields_null on set language 简体中文 set dateformat ymd set datefirst 7 |
SQL:Stm tStarting | Select * from users |
Audit Login (第2次连接) | -- network protocol: LPC set quoted_identifier on set implicit_transactions off…略 |
SQL:Stm tStarting | Select * from users |
Audit Login (第3次连接) | -- network protocol: LPC set quoted_identifier on set implicit_transactions off…略 |
SQL:Stm tStarting | Select * from users |
Audit Logout | |
Audit Logout | |
Audit Logout | |
TraceStop | |
而如果每句cnn.Execute后面加上rs.close(),则每个execute之前不会有Audit Login事件,而是连续的3个SQL:StmtStarting事件。
Because the SQL Server OLE DB provider doesn't permit more than one set of results to be pending on a connection where the results are being returned by means of a forward-only, read-only (default-resultset) cursor, the provider needs to create an additional SQL Server connection to execute a second command on the connection. The provider will only do this implicitly if the Data Source property DBPROP_MULTIPLECONNECTIONS is set to VARIANT_TRUE.
《PRB: Implicit Connections Created by the SQL Server OLE DB Provider (SQLOLEDB) Are Not Pooled》
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset
cn.open ..........
rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs.ActiveConnection = cn
rs.Open "select * from orders"
rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs2.ActiveConnection = cn
rs2.Open "select * from orders"
Writen by zhengyun@tomosoft.com
本文档所包含的信息代表了在发布之日,ZhengYun 对所讨论问题的当前看法,Zhengyun 不保证所给信息在发布之日以后的准确性。